
Download SportsWatch Viewer

Help downloading

The software is distributed in zip files. If two separate zip files are shown, one zip file contains the setup program and the other one contains an update. If you have installed a previous version, you might not need to download a complete setup.

Read the manuals for information on how to install the software. The software is developed for Windows 10, but it should run fine on other versions of Windows. Send an email if you encounter any problems!

Note: some programs only have a manual in the DUTCH language. In those cases, the software is in the English language. Although you may not be able to read the manuals, you could use the screenshots in the manual as a guide to get you started. New manuals will be made when the software is updated.

Depending on your operating system or your browser you might need to download the software with your right mouse button. Choose "Save target as..." in the context menu.

The manual

The Manual is not yet available. When it is available, you will be able to download it here.

The software

If you are a new user, download the DemoSetup. This includes one or more demo files that enable you to test the software.

  (4 MB) Build 2022-11-24

This zip file contains the last setup program for the SportsWatch Viewer, excluding dotnet framework and excluding the manual

If you have installed a recent setup and you have experience with updating an exe file in the program Files folder, you could download just the exe file. If you do not know how to do this, download the UserSetup directly above!

  (2 MB) Build 2022-11-24

This zip file only contains the most recent exe file
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